Saturday 17 March 2007


Had our visit with the psychiatrist yesterday and looked at our options we came up with 3 of them.

1) Keep the meds we are on and add the Rubifen which works well, but that would mean we would need to add a tic med.....
2)Take him of the OCD med and try him on Strattera and then reintroduce the OCD med as to do them both together is to tricky while introducing Strattera
3)Trial him on a Dextromphetamine type med - which I think is like sister med of stimulants.

After a lot of discussion with Chrs we have more than likely decided to stay as we are and add the tic med as the Concerta is fantastic for him and us. Chris is happy with this as he loves the Concerta as well. I will discuss this option with the psychologist on Tuesday.

The reason we are hesitant about number 2 is because last time we took Chris of the OCD med his life and our life were hell. He was vomiting daily from anxiety, we could not even look at him on the dinner table without him gagging, Strattera has to be introduced slowly and it could take a few months before we get the right dose, and I am not sure either if us could cope with that again. And as for number 3 I think basically the med is Speed - but need to research it more. But then again I suppose they are all as bad as each other in the long run.

One thing I do know is that Chris is so much more settled on meds........ We go back in 4 weeks so have some time to discuss out options.

Anyway thats our update

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