Tuesday 20 March 2007

I read in another blog

from someone who has Tourettes and loved it..... so thought I would post parts of it here. To check out his/her journal click here and the post is called "So Not Funny".

"I live with the social stigma nearly every day. As much as I hate to admit it, there is a common social stigma that people who twitch are crazy.
I often feel like I'm trapped in a broken body. I can't get it to stop twitching. I can suppress the urge to twitch for a short while, but I can't stop it. If I suppress it, then I only wind up twitching all the harder later and it winds up being so much more painful, and I already live in constant discomfort from it. I have trouble sleeping, many nights, because my leg won't stop "popping."
Upon learning that I have Tourette's Syndrome, most people ask the inevitable, "Oh, the disease that makes you curse?" Very rarely do they say "condition." Most of the time, it's "disease." I usually try to explain calmly that very few individuals with Tourette's actually curse. Everybody has different symptoms. It just so happens that the popular media loves to focus in on the things that cause a stir, that get attention, that make money from sensationalism. The public gets a good laugh, the media make a little money, and I get gawked at."

Well the guy for Shorty Street gets introduced on Thursday night......

Cheers :)

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